Gapminder Foundation
Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder is a fact tank, not a think tank. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions about global development. Gapminder produces free teaching resources making the world understandable based on reliable statistics. Gapminder promotes a fact-based worldview everyone can understand. Gapminder collaborates with universities, UN, public agencies and non-governmental organizations. Check
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Hans Rosling - images

Photographer Stefan Nilsson
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Photographer Elisabeth Toll (1,2), Stefan Nilsson (4)
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Photographer Jörgen Hildebrandt
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Hans Rosling - biography
Ola Rosling - biography
Ola Rosling is President & Co-Founder of Gapminder Foundation which he founded together with his wife and his father.
In 1999, Ola led the development of the Trendalyzer software, which was acquired by Google in 2007. At Google, Ola and his team delivered the Motion Chart as part of Google Spreadsheets. As Product Manager for Google Public Data Ola then helped democratize access to Public Statistics by developing the infrastructure needed to make official statistics part of Google Search results. Ola and Anna went back to Gapminder in 2011 to develop free teaching materials for a fact-based worldview.
In 2014 Ola coined the term Factfulness, which Gapminder promoted in order to make the education about Sustainable Development less ideological and more fact-based.
Together with Anna and Hans, Ola wrote the Factfulness book, launched in April 2018.
TED Talk: How not to be ignorant about the world
Anna Rosling Rönnlund - biography
Together with Hans Rosling and Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund founded Gapminder in 2005. Gapminder’s mission statement is to fight devastating ignorance with a fact-based world view everyone can understand.
She designed the user-interface of the famous animating bubble-chart tool called Trendalyzer, used by millions of students across the world, to understand global development trends. The tool was acquired by Google, and Anna worked at Google in Mountain View, CA as a Senior Usability Designer from 2007 to 2010. At Google, Anna improved search results for public data, developed data exploration tools for Public Data and made a bubble tool gadget (Motion chart) in Google Spreadsheets. In 2010, Anna came back to Gapminder to develop new free teaching material. Anna is now Vice President and Head of Design & User Experience at Gapminder. She also sits in the Gapminder Board. Anna holds a Master’s Degree in Sociology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Photography.
Anna founded Dollar Street, the biggest systematic image bank with representative home documentations based on data. At the moment we have almost 30,000 photos and 10,000 video clips, which are free to use under Creative Common license.
Together with Ola and Hans, Anna wrote the Factfulness book, launched in April 2018.
TEDx Stockholm: Using photos as data to understand how people live
TEDx Riga: Aha! Now I Get How Everybody Lives