The best way to track the Pandemic, Corona video #2:

This is the second Corona video in a series listed here.

In this video Ola Rosling explains how the weekly multiplier of deaths let us keep track of the pandemic and compare it across countries and over time. The virus is capable of multiplying itself amongst us, and kill us. We change our behaviour to stop it from doing that. To see if we are succeeding we can take the number of deaths this week and divide it with the number for the previous week. If the multiplier is above one: the virus is still winning. If the number is below one: we are winning.

You can download the free video, slides and data, and use them under Creative Common Licence BY 4.0 in any way you like (!) as long as you mention “based on free stuff from”. Thank you!

— DATA SOURCES These trends shows data that has been slightly cleaned up by Gapminder, based on the daily data from ECDC, downloaded on June 3 2020 Gapminder has calculated the 7-day sums and multipliers. On some dates in some countries, there are sudden large increases of reported deaths, which stand out from the regular weekly cycles. This happens when the health-care system brings a pile of records from other parts of their administration, such as deaths outside hospitals or at care-homes for the elderly. This happened in Finland on April 22 and 24, and in Norway between May 4 to 15. We have re-allocated these higher numbers to earlier dates to avoid a false impression of sudden increase of deaths. There are probably many more such artificial impressions of sudden increases left in the data but we can’t remove those because we don’t have access to primary records of patients, but please contact us at [email protected] if you can help improve the data. The way we re-allocated the piles in Finland and Norway is documented in the data file that can be downloaded here.

This video was produced by Anna Rosling Rönnlund and Ola Rosling.

LICENSE : This video, slideshow and data are all free to use, edit and redistribute and even sell, under Creative Common License CC BY 4.0, just remember to mention “based on free stuff from”.