Family 95, Papua New Guinea

Family 95

Family 95, Papua New Guinea
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Family 95

Family 95, Papua New Guinea
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Papua New Guinea. J is 29 years old and his wife B is 25 years old. They both are subsistence farmers and live with their 4 children. They own the house in which they live and like it because it’s built on their own ancestors land. The worst thing about the house is its roof.

The family lives in Papua New Guinea. J is 29 years old and is a subsistence farmer. His wife B is 25 years old and she is also a subsistence farmer. They live with their 3 sons S, 7 years old, M, 6 years old, and U, 4 years old, and their daughter R, a year old. The family lives in a house, which they own, and have been living here for the past 3 months. The best thing about the house is that it’s located on their own ancestors land. It has no electricity and the toilet is outside in the plot but it isn’t shared with others. The children spend 3 hours a week collecting water that is safe to drink. They use wood for cooking in the kitchen. J and B spend 10 hours a week collecting wood and the whole family spends 20 hours a week attending to home agricultural activities. J and B spend 1 day every week doing different types of work assigned by the government. The family aren’t saving any money. Their favorite item in the house is the small bag in which they keep small sums of money. The next thing they plan on buying is an iron roof and their dream is to be able to build their house with strong permanent materials.

Papua New Guinea

Photo by: Johan Eriksson
All families in Papua New Guinea