Family 213, Romania

Family 213

Family 213, Romania
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Family 213

Family 213, Romania
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Romania. D is 37 years old and she lives with her 7 children and a 60-year-old grandmother. They have lived in this 1-bedroom house for 2 years. The 9 persons have to share three beds, and the house lacks many things, such as drinking water. Their most valuable item is their identity papers. The family’s dream is to have their own nice house someday.

The family lives in Romania. D is 37 years old and she lives with her 7 children and a 60-year-old grandmother. The family is unemployed and don't have a regular income. They hardly get some social welfare payout. The family bought this 1-bedroom house 2 years ago. Before they lived in another village. “Something happened and I was forced to leave my home”, D explains, “I had a big house there, four rooms, a kitchen, a big yard , running water”. Their present home lacks most of these things. The 9 persons have to share three beds, and the house lacks many things, such as drinking water and sewage facilities. The toilet facility is outside the house. The family purchase 50% of their food supplies; while the rest comes as gifts or from other sources. Clean drinking water is purchased and costs them up to 10% of their income. In the kitchen, they use firewood to heat the stove. The family is unemployed and don't have a regular income. Most people in this neighbourhood lives on the meagre social welfare, although the situation for this particular family isn’t completely known. The family isn't saving any money since they have no regular income. What does she dream of, we asked. “To leave (this neighbourhood), that’s all”.

Photo by: Roland Zsigmond
All families in Romania