Family 76, Kazakhstan

Family 76

Family 76, Kazakhstan
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Family 76

Family 76, Kazakhstan
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Kazakhstan. N is an engineer and lives with his wife, 3 children, a son-in-law, and 2 grandchildren. The family lives in a 5-bedroom apartment, which they own, and have been living here for 21 years. They love the house because of its size, location, and interior quality. It perfectly meets their requirements. The only problem with the house is their neighbours. Their favorite items are handmade toys and a watch-clock. Their next big spending plan is to repair the bathroom. They dream of buying a music keyboard.

The family lives in Kazakhstan. N is an engineer and lives with his wife, 3 children, a son-in-law, and 2 grandchildren. The 3 adults in the family work as an entrepreneur, journalist, and salesman.. The family owns their apartment and have lived here for 21 years. They choose to live here because the dwelling is owned by the family and meets their requirements. They enjoy its size and location, but the thing that bothers them are the neighbors. The home offers reliable electricity and an indoor toilet. Safe drinking water is obtained elsewhere, which takes 10 minutes to bring home. Food is cooked with electric appliances. The family produces about 25% of its own food and spends 50% of their income to purchase the rest of the food supplies. The family is saving money. Their favorite items in the house are handmade toys and a watch-clock. Their next big spending plan is to repair the bathroom and their dream is to buy a music keyboard.

Photo by: Alisa Sidorenko
All families in Kazakhstan