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Family 27, Боливия

Family 27

Family 27, Боливия

Family 27

Family 27, Боливия
Месячный доход
Месячный доход

The family lives in Bolivia. J is 39 years old and works in construction. His wife P is 31 years old and works as a bus cleaner. They live with their 4 children in a rented 1-bedroom house. They like the location of their house as it’s cheaper in cost compared to living in the city, but they dislike that people dump waste in the river nearby. Their favorite item in the house is their TV. Their next big plan is to rent a small business, and earn enough money to buy themselves a land.

The family lives in Bolivia. J is 39 years old and works in construction. His wife P is 31 years old and works as a bus cleaner. They live with their sons U, 9 years old, and K, 6 years old, who are students. The younger daughter O, 3 years old, and son E, 1 years old, are too young to go to school. Together the couple works 85 hours/week. The family lives in a rented single bedroom home and has been living in it for the past 3 years. They like its location outside the city, which means a cheaper rent, but they would prefer if people didn’t dump trash in the river nearby. The house has electricity but they must use a public pay toilet outside the house. Half of the family income is spent on buying food. Water must be collected from a glacier run-off and is not always safe to drink. Safe drinking water costs them up to 10% of their income. They use wood as a fuel for their stove. The family hardly saves any money, since most of it is spent on food, rent, and drinking water. Their most prized possession is their television. The furthest they’ve ever been is to Trinidad, a city located 600 km away. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of renting a small business and buying a piece of land.


Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All семьи in Боливия