Family 13, Burkina Faso

Family 13

Family 13, Burkina Faso
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Family 13

Family 13, Burkina Faso
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Burkina Faso. M is 40 years old and she works as a farmer and goldminer. Her husband S is 50 years old and also works as a farmer and gold miner. They are parents to 4 children, three of them live back in their maternal village while one child lives with them and helps in farming activities. The family lives in a 1-bedroom house and have been living here for 5 years. Their plan is to buy roof material for their house. They dream of one day being able to buy a donkey cart.

The family lives in Burkina Faso. M is 40 years old and her husband S is 50 years old. They both work as farmers and gold miners. They are parents to 4 children, 3 of them live back in their maternal village while one child, D, who is 15 years old, works with them as a farmer. Between them, they work 252 hours a week. The family lives in a 1-room home, which they built and own, in addition to some land. They have been living here for 5 years. The house has no electricity and no running water, so the family spends 7 hours a week collecting water. They share a toilet with 4 other families. The family buys all of their food, which costs 90% of their income. They use wood to cook with and Martine spends 5 hours a week collecting firewood. The family is not saving money. The next thing they are planning to buy is materials to build their roof. They hope some day to be able to fulfill their dream of buying a donkey cart.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Burkina Faso