Family 73, Malawi

Family 73

Family 73, Malawi
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Family 73

Family 73, Malawi
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family is from Malawi. N is 75 years old and lives with her daughter and 5 grandchildren. Both N and her daughter are small-scale farmers. They live in a 2-bedroom house and have been living here for 2 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is clothes. Their dream is to buy some goats and chickens.

The family is from Malawi. N is 75 years old and she lives with her 35-year-old daughter S, and five grandchildren. The grandchildren are: T, 16 years old; K, 12 years old; E, 9 years old; C, 7 years old; and H, 2 years old. Both N and her daughter S are small-scale farmers who make a living with the help of their oldest grandchild. The family lives in a 2-bedroom home, where they’ve been living for 2 years. The home has no electricity and toilet facility. Safe drinking water takes 20 minutes to collect, and there is an outdoor toilet nearby that is shared with 3 other households. The family produces about 60% of their own food, while the rest is purchased which costs about 60% of their income. They cook using a wood-burning stove in their kitchen. The family isn’t saving any money, but their plan is to buy more clothes. They dream of one day owning some goats and chickens.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Malawi