Family 317, Canada

Family 317

Family 317, Canada
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Family 317

Family 317, Canada
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Canada. They are 2 adults. N is 66 years old and her spouse R is 72 years old. They both are retirees and do volunteer services. They live in a 3-bedroom house and have been living there for 26 years. The best thing they like about the house is its nice surroundings and central location which is also nearby their children. Their favorite item in the house is the grand-children photos. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car. Their dream is to travel to Vietnam in a first class flight.

The family lives in Canada. They are 2 adults. N is 66 years old and she is a retired engineer. Her spouse R is 72 years old and he is a retired technician. They both do volunteer work and teach ancient Chinese exercises (Tai Chi and Qi gong). The family lives in a 3-bedroom house which they own. They’ve been living there for 26 years, and like its surroundings and central location. The house has uninterrupted electricity, indoors toilet facility, and safe water supply. The family buys 90% of their food supplies from the market, while the rest comes from their own production. In the kitchen, they use electricity of cooking. Safe drinking water is available at their home. The family is saving money and goes on vacation. They have traveled to Vinh Long, Vietnam on their furthest trip. Their favorite item in the house is the grand-children photos. Their next big plan is to buy a used car, and their dream is to someday take a first class flight to Vietnam.

Photo by: Anh Vo
All families in Canada