Family 412, Nepal

Family 412

Family 412, Nepal
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Family 412

Family 412, Nepal
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Nepal. They are 2 adults and 2 children. M is 35 years old and she works as a laborer. She lives with her husband and children in a one-bedroom house. They own the house but dislike it because it gets flooded during rains. Their favorite item in the house is money. Their dream is to buy a new house for themselves someday.

The family lives in Nepal. They are 2 adults and 2 children. M is 35 years old and she works as a laborer. Her husband, U, is 36 years old, and he is also a laborer. They have a son and a daughter. Their daughter R is 14 years old and she is a student and also helps her family by laboring on her holidays. Their son E is 10 years old and he is a student. The family lives in a one-bedroom house that they own. They have been living here for the past 13 years. They own the house but dislike it because it gets flooded during rains. The house has a humble electricity connection, a nearby water supply, and an outdoor toilet facility. They also own small agricultural land. The family produces 20% of their food while most of it (80%) is purchased from the market. The family has access to drinking water which they get from a nearby water source. In the kitchen, they use wood for cooking. The family is saving money. They rarely go on vacations and the furthest they have ever been was to Pokhara, a city in Nepal. Their favorite item in the house is money. They dream of buying a new better house for themselves someday.

Photo by: Omar Havana
All families in Nepal