Family 336, Serbia

Family 336

Family 336, Serbia
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Family 336

Family 336, Serbia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Serbia. They are 2 adults and 2 children. D is 49 years old and his wife E is 39 years old. They both are unemployed and live off social welfare payment. They live with their 2 children in a 1-bedroom house and have been living there for four decades (40 years). Their house is in very bad condition and requires full restoration work. Their favourite items in the house are their documents and ID cards. The next big plan is to buy bicycles for their kids. They dream of one day being able to afford materials to renovate their house.

The family lives in Serbia. They are 2 adults and 2 children. D is 49 years old and his wife E is 39 years old. They both are unemployed and survive off social welfare payouts. Their two daughters, N, 8 years old, and U, 5 years old, are both students. The family lives in a 1-bedroom house which they own and been living there for 40 years. Their house is in very bad condition and requires full restoration work. The house has an indoor toilet facility and a safe water supply, but there is no electricity connection. The family purchases all their food supplies from the market which costs them around 70% of their income. They use wood and LPG fuel to cook food in the kitchen. Drinking water is available in their home and is safe for drinking. The family has traveled to Sibenik, in Croatia on their furthest trip. Their favourite items in the house are their documents and personal IDs. The next big thing they plan on buying is bicycles for their daughters. Their dream is to be able to buy materials for renovating their house someday.

Photo by: Darko Rajkovic
All families in Serbia