Family 193, Bangladesh

Family 193

Family 193, Bangladesh
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Family 193

Family 193, Bangladesh
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Bangladesh. S is 30 years old and is a farmer. His wife P is 25 years old and they have 2 children. They live in a free of rent 1-bedroom house and have been living here for 2 years. They like the comfortable sitting area, but they think that the house is too small. The next thing they plan on buying is a cow. Their most favorite items are their clothes and they dream that someday they might be able to buy a new house.

The family lives in Bangladesh. S is 30 years old and is a farmer. His wife P is 25 years old and she is a housewife. They live with their son H, 7 years old, and daughter M, 8 months old. S works for 60 hours/week. The family lives in a single-bedroom home, which they built and own. They’ve been living here for the past 2 years. They like that the house is comfortable to sit in with friends but they find it too small. The house has no electricity and the toilet is outside the house but it's not shared with other households. Nearly all of the family income is spent on buying food. Water is available inside the home and is safe to drink. They use charcoal and wood as fuel for their stove. Every week, P. spends 4 hours to collect water, 1½ hours to collect wood, 2 hours on home agricultural activities and 10 hours on household work. The family hardly saves any money, since most of it is spent on food. They’ve never been on vacation and the next thing they plan to buy is a cow. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a new house.

Photo by: Luc Forsyth
All families in Bangladesh