Family 59, Egypt

Family 59

Family 59, Egypt
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Family 59

Family 59, Egypt
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Egypt. M is 66 years old and lives with his wife Z, 2 children, and a relative in a 3-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 10 years. The family members also own 2 other houses and agricultural land. The next thing they plan on buying is an SLR camera. Their dream is to travel all around the world.

The family lives in Egypt. M is 66 years old. His wife Z looks after the house. They have 2 children. F is 38 years old and works as an administrator. R is 35 years old and works as a computer support officer. The family has been living in their 3-room house for 10 years. They own this house, 2 other houses, and some land. The house has electricity but there are frequent interruptions in supply. The house has running water, an indoor toilet, and natural gas cooking appliances. Purchasing their food requires 70% of the family’s income. The family saves some money. They are planning to buy an SLR camera, and are hoping one day to fulfill their dream of being able to travel all around the world.

Photo by: Amr Said
All families in Egypt