Family 261, Brazil

Family 261

Family 261, Brazil
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Family 261

Family 261, Brazil
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Brazil. N is 46 years old and she is a housewife. Her husband L is 49 years old and he is a businessman. They have 3 daughters, and together they live in a 3-bedroom apartment which is near their school and workplace. They like their apartment because of its location and a small herb garden which they have planted in it, however they aren’t happy with the apartment’s size. Their dream is to buy a bigger property like a penthouse.

The family lives in Brazil. N is 46 years old and she is a housewife. L, her husband, is 49 years old and he is a businessman. They have 3 daughters. Two of the daughters, 17 years old S and 11 years old M are students, while the eldest daughter, 20 years old B, works as an assistant manager. The father and daughter collectively spend around 88 hours per week at work. The family owns a 3-bedroom apartment and have been living in it for 8 years. It has uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilet, and in-house water supply facility. It is also in close proximity of their school and workplace, however, it’s size isn’t spacious enough for their family needs. The best thing in their apartment is their small herb garden which they have planted in it. The family buys all their food supplies from the market and spends around 30% of their income on it. In the kitchen, they use natural gas for cooking and consume bottled drinking water. The family is saving money and also goes on vacations. They have been to Natal city in Brazil on one of their furthest trips. Their dream is to buy a bigger property like a penthouse.

Photo by: Leony Carvalho
All families in Brazil