Family 126, United States

Family 126

Family 126, United States
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Family 126

Family 126, United States
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in United States. G is 47 years old and used to work as a security guard until he got injured. His wife R is 44 years old and she is a health care worker. They live with their daughter in a rented 3-room flat in a public housing project, where they have lived for 22 years. The next big thing they plan to buy is bedroom furniture. Their dream is to be able to buy their own car someday.

The family lives in United States. G is 47 years old and he was a security guard until he got injured. His wife R is 44 years old and she is a direct care worker who works with people with mental disabilities. They live with their daughter S, 17 years old, who is a student and a dancer and she is hopeful of securing a scholarship to college with her talented dance skills. R works for a total of 35 hours/week . The family lives in a rented 3-room apartment. The apartment is in a subsidized housing project and they’ve been living here for the past 22 years. It has reliable electricity, running water, and a toilet, but it lacks a lot of maintenance work and is located in a neighbourhood with a high crime rate. The family has to buy all their food supplies, which cost about 60% of their income. They use electricity for cooking in the kitchen. Safe drinking water is available inside the home. The family hardly saves any money because most of it is spent on food and rent. They sometimes go on vacation and the furthest place they have ever been was Alabama, United States. The next thing they plan to buy is a bedroom set. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a car.

Photo by: Kevin Downs
All families in United States