Family 96, Philippines

Family 96

Family 96, Philippines
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Family 96

Family 96, Philippines
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in the Philippines. M is 34 years old and she works in a laundry. She lives with her 7 children in a free of rent 1-bedroom house and they have been living there for 5 years. The next thing they plan on buying is milk and food supplies. Their dream is to one day be able to buy their own house.

The family lives in the Philippines. M is 34 years old and she works in a laundry. She lives with her 4 daughters and 3 sons. The eldest 2 daughters J, 15 years old, is unemployed, and O, 13 years old, works as a babysitter. Her son C, 12 years old, and 2 daughters R, S and E, 10 years old, are students. The rest of her children; 2 sons B, 6 years old, and N, a month old are the youngest and stay at home. The family lives in a one-bedroom house which they built with the help of family and friends, and is free of rent. They've been living there for the past 5 years. The house has electricity, which sometimes fails, but no toilet. They also own another dwelling. The family buys all their food supplies from the market. They use wood for cooking in the kitchen. M and her daughters spend 7 hours a week collecting water that is safe to drink, which takes 60 minutes to collect and come back. The family also spends 14 hours a week collecting wood and 3 ½ hours doing housework. The family hardly saves any money since most of it is spent on food but they sometimes go on vacation and the furthest place they have ever been was Boracay, in the Philippines. The next thing they plan to spend money on is food supplies and milk. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a new house.

Photo by: Luc Forsyth
All families in Philippines