Family 7, Haiti

Family 7

Family 7, Haiti
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Family 7

Family 7, Haiti
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Haiti. M is 29 years old, is unemployed, and has two small children. The family lives in a 1-bedroom house. They don't like the roof of the house and they are only living here because they have no other place to go. Their favorite item in the house is their clothes. The next big thing they plan on buying is a better roof. Their dream is to have a nice house for themselves.

The family lives in Haiti. M is 29 years old, is unemployed, and has two small children, J and O. The family built their one-room house four years ago. It has no electricity and they don't like its roof. The outdoor toilet is shared by over 100 other households. Local drinking water is not safe, and must be purchased and retrieved from a location about three minutes away by walking. M spends about an hour per week on water collection. All of the family’s food is purchased, and is cooked by a charcoal-burning stove. Water and food require about 90% of the family’s income. M’s plan is to spend money on replacing the roof of her house, and she dreams of owning a better house someday.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Haiti