Family 39, China

Family 39

Family 39, China
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Family 39

Family 39, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. The father of the family is 44 years old and works as a farmer. The mother is 46 years old and they have 4 children. They live in a 2-bedroom house and have been living here for 23 years. Their dream is to renovate their house and get one of their children married.

The family lives in China. The father of the family is 44 years old and works as a farmer. The mother is 46 years old and looks after the house and helps on the farm. They have four children between 9 and 21 years of age and the oldest works in a supermarket. The parents work 62 hours a week. The family lives in a 2-room house, where they have lived for 23 years. They own the house and built it themselves. The house has uninterrupted electricity supply, but no running water; the family spends 7 hours a week collecting it. They have a private toilet in their yard. The family grows 80% of their food and they spend 70% of their income on buying the rest of the food supplies. They cook with coal and charcoal. The family is not saving money. They are not planning to buy anything. The father hopes one day to be able to fulfill his dream of renovating the house and get one of their children married.

Photo by: Justin Jin
All families in China