Family 313, Romania

Family 313

Family 313, Romania
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Family 313

Family 313, Romania
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Romania. They are 2 adult and 2 children family members. N is 29 years old and she works as a fundraiser. Her husband U is 33 years old and he is an elevator technician. They live along with their two sons in a 1-bedroom apartment. They have been living there for 1 year like the quality and size of the apartment, however, they dislike its location. Their favorite item in the home is their laptop. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car and their dream is to buy a villa style house.

The family lives in Romania. They are 2 adult and 2 children family members. N is 29 years old and she works as a fundraiser. Her husband U is 33 years old and he is an elevator technician. Their 2 sons, R, 6 years old, and E, 10 months old, live along with them. The family lives in a 1-bedroom apartment which they own. They have been living there for the past 1 year and are happy with its size and quality, but dislike its location. The apartment has uninterrupted electricity, indoors toilet facility, and safe water supply. The family buys all their food supplies from the market and it costs them around 30% of their total income. They use natural gas for cooking in the kitchen. Drinking water is also available at their home and is safe to drink. The family goes on vacation and they have been to Sunny beach, Bulgaria on one of their farthest trip. Their next big plan is to buy a car and are dreaming of buying a villa style house.

All families in Romania