Family 295, Nigeria

Family 295

Family 295, Nigeria
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Family 295

Family 295, Nigeria
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Nigeria. S is 38 years old and he owns a printing business. His wife E is 31 years old and she is a hairdresser. They live with their two daughters in a rented 2-bedroom house. They are happy with the location of the house and are living here for work opportunities available in the city. Their favourite items in the house are a laptop, refrigerator and ceramic ware. Their next big plan is to buy their own house and their dream is to buy a luxury car (BMW X6).

The family lives in Nigeria. S is 38 years old and he owns a printing business. His wife E is 31 years old and she is a hairdresser. They live with their two daughters; M, 6 years old, and V, 4 years old. They both are students. The family lives in a rented 2-bedroom house. They have been living there for the past 5 years and like it because of its location. The house has interrupted electricity, indoors toilet facility, and safe water supply. The family purchases 70% of their food supplies from the market, while the rest comes from their own production. In the kitchen they use natural gas for cooking and drinking water is available at their home and is safe to drink. The family goes on vacations and have been to Accra, Ghana on one of their farthest trips. They are saving money and their next big plan is to buy their own house. Their dream is to buy a luxury car (BMW X6).

Photo by: Keke Boro
All families in Nigeria