Family 67, Kenya

Family 67

Family 67, Kenya
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Family 67

Family 67, Kenya
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Kenya. G is 48 years old and is a welder. His wife M is 42 years old and she is a cook. They live with their 3 daughters and an aunt in a 1-room rented house. The next thing they plan on buying is a sofa set. Their dream is to buy a piece of land.

The family lives in Kenya. G is 48 years old and he is a welder. His wife M is 42 years old and she is a cook. They have three daughters: R, 17 years old; S, 16 years old; and C, 10 years old. Another female relative, J, 18 years old, also lives with them. The family lives in a rented 1-room house. They've lived here for 7 years. The home has electricity although it is very unstable. Drinking water is available outside and the daughters spend 7 hours each week to collect it. There is no toilet in the house; the family shares an outdoor toilet with 160 households. Nearly 80% of the family income is spent on purchasing their food supplies. They use kerosene in the kitchen for cooking. The family saves money and recently took a month-long vacation. A sofa set is their next planned large purchase, and they dream of buying land someday.

All families in Kenya