Family 318, Tanzania

Family 318

Family 318, Tanzania
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Family 318

Family 318, Tanzania
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Tanzania. They are 7 adults and 2 children. N is 44 years old and she runs a restaurant. Her mother M is 70 years old. They live along with their extended family in a 4-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living there for 8 years. They are happy with the house surroundings, however, they dislike its noisy neighborhood. The next big thing they plan on buying is a piece of land and their dream is to build a better house.

The family lives in Tanzania. They are 7 adults and 2 children. N is 44 years old and she runs a restaurant. Her sister R is 48 years old, and their mother M is 70 years old. They live along with 4 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Their grandchildren include 2 granddaughters, H, 22 years old, and E, 23 years old, and 2 grandsons, O, 29 years old, and S, 26 years old. Their great grandchildren, include 2 boys, D, 5 years old, and J, 3 years old. The family lives in a 4-bedroom house which they own. They have been living there for 8 years, and are happy with its surroundings, however, they dislike its noisy neighborhood. Their house has uninterrupted electricity and a private toilet facility within their yard. They also own another house and some agricultural land. The family purchases all their food supplies from the market which costs them around 70% of their income. They use natural gas and wood to cook their food. Drinking water is fetched from a safe water source 15 minutes away. The family has never been on vacation, but have traveled to Kenya on their furthest trip. They are saving money and their next big plan is to buy a piece of land. Their dream is to be able to build a new better house.

All families in Tanzania