Family 164, India

Family 164

Family 164, India
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Family 164

Family 164, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. Z is 35 years old and works as a rickshaw driver. His wife S is 30 years old and they live with their 3 children and 3 other family members. The family lives in a rented house and have been living here for 30 years. They started living in the house because they had no other option. The house has no ventilation or toilet facility, but they are happy to have a roof over their head.

The family lives in India. S, a housewife, is 30 years old. Her husband Z is 35 years old and he works as a rickshaw driver with her brother, Y, aged 25, who also lives in the home. The men support the household of eight that also includes Z’s 20-year-old sister, R, his 50-year-old mother, N, and their three children: L, aged 9; B, aged 5; and E, aged 2. Together Z and Y work for 119 hours/week. The family rents a room with an outdoor kitchen. They live here because they have no place else to go. They've been living here for the past 30 years. The house has electricity but no ventilation, drinking water, or toilet facility. They say that the best thing about their house is that it provides a roof over their head to spend the night. The family purchases all their food supplies, which costs them 70% of their income. Food is cooked in the outdoor kitchen, using wood as fuel. Shalifa spends 3½ hours every week to collect wood, and another 3½ hours to collect water.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in India