Family 151, Bulgaria

Family 151

Family 151, Bulgaria
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Family 151

Family 151, Bulgaria
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Bulgaria. E is 44 years old and lives with her 37-year-old husband, S, 3 kids, and a grandmother. They live in a 2-bedroom house, which they own, and have been living in it for 14 years. Their children’s dream is that Santa Claus may send them gifts including a fairytale book, a talking toy, and a remote control toy car. The teenage son’s dream is to travel all across the world and the adults’ dream of having reliable employment, stable health, and proper upbringing of their kids.

The family lives in Bulgaria. E is 44 years old and lives with her 37-year-old husband, S, 3 kids, and a grandmother. She has two sons, 18-year-old D and 13-year-old H, and a daughter, 7-year-old R. All children are students. The family is unemployed. They live off government funds and pension. The family lives in a two-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for the past 14 years. The house has electricity, water, and toilet facilities. The family purchases 30% of their food supplies, while the rest comes from their own produce or as gifts from other sources. The food costs them 30% of their income. A drinking water source is within the premises of their house. They use firewood to burn in their kitchen stove, so the father and sons spend 10 hours every week collecting firewood. The family is saving very little money. The next thing they plan on buying is a fairy tale book. The kids dream that Santa Claus may send them gifts including a fairytale book, a talking toy, and a remote control toy car. The teenage son’s dream is to travel all across the world and the adults’ dream of having reliable employment, stable health, and proper upbringing of their kids.

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