Family 337, Cameroon

Family 337

Family 337, Cameroon
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Family 337

Family 337, Cameroon
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Cameroon. They are 3 adults and 2 children. O is 25 years old and she is a hotelier. Her husband, V, is 28 years old and he is an engineer. They live with their family in a rented 1-bedroom house and like it because of its neighborhood, but they aren’t happy with its location. Their favorite item in the house is their clothes. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car. Their dream is to buy their own house one day.

The family lives in Cameroon. They are 3 adults and 2 children. O is 25 years old and she is a hotelier and also a hairdresser. Her husband, V is 28 years old and he is an engineer. They have 2 children; their son, L, is 4 years old and their daughter, B, is 7 months old. O’s brother, J, also lives with them. He is 28 years old and is a technician. The family lives in a 1-bedroom rented house and has been living there for 1 year. They like the house because of its neighborhood, however, they aren’t happy with its location. The house has a shared toilet in the yard and an unreliable electricity connection which fails 3 times a week. They also own another house and some agricultural land. The family produces 60% of their food supplies themselves, while the rest 30% is purchased from the market and 10% comes from gifts and other sources. They use natural gas and charcoal for cooking food in their kitchen. Drinking water is fetched from a water source 30 minutes away from their home. The family goes on vacation and have been to Limbe, Cameroon on their furthest trip. Their favorite item in the house is their clothes. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car. Their dream is to one day have their own house.

Photo by: Rosine Fidele
All families in Cameroon