Family 325, Togo

Family 325

Family 325, Togo
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Family 325

Family 325, Togo
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Togo. They are 9 adults and 11 children. K is 25 years old and he works as a farmer. His both parents, sisters, and brothers along with their families live together in a 6-bedroom house. They have been living in the house for generations (around 100 years) and like it, because it has water, however, they aren’t happy with the scarcity of food sources nearby.

The family lives in Togo. They are 9 adults and 11 children. K is 25 years old and he works in a cotton farm. His father W is 60 years old and his mother T is 50 years old. His 5 brothers along with their wives also live with them in their house. All the adults also work in the farms growing cotton. The children of the family go to school. The family lives in a 6-bedroom house and have been living there for generations (100 years). They like the house because it has water, however, they aren’t happy with the scarcity of food sources nearby. It has a shared toilet in the yard but no running water supply and no electricity. They also own some agricultural land. The family produces 80% of their food supplies themselves and the rest is purchased. They spend around 50% of their income on food. In the kitchen they use wood for cooking, and drinking water is fetched from a water source 20 minutes away. The family is saving money. They have been to Atakpame city, in Togo on their furthest trip.

All families in Togo