Family 158, Kenya

Family 158

Family 158, Kenya
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Family 158

Family 158, Kenya
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Kenya. C is 41 years old and works as a banker. She lives with her spouse and two children family in a 5-bedroom house and has been living here for 15 years. The family owns the house and likes it because it’s close to their workplace. Their favorite item in the house is the handbag. The family’s next big plan is to upgrade the house floor. Their dream is to buy a plot in a nice area and build a house on it.

The K family lives in Kenya. C is 41 years old and she works as a banker. She and her spouse live with their 2-children. Both children are students.. The family owns their 5-bedroom house and have been living here for 15 years. They also own other property and agricultural land. The house has electricity, safe drinking water, and indoor toilet facilities. The family produces 50% of its own food and purchases the rest. Food supplies cost them 30% of their income. They use natural gas for cooking in the kitchen. C has travelled as far as Ghana, although her last vacation was several years ago. The family is saving money and their next big plan is to upgrade the house floor. Their dream is to buy a plot in a nice area and build a house on it.

Photo by: Johan Selin
All families in Kenya