Family 108, Mexico

Family 108

Family 108, Mexico
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Family 108

Family 108, Mexico
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Mexico. L is 42 years old and works as a factory supervisor. His wife M is 40 years old and she works as a housekeeper. They live with their 2 adult sons in a 3-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 20 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car. Their dream is to start building a house in another area.

The family lives in Mexico. L is 42 years old and works as a factory supervisor. His wife M is 40 years old and she works as a housekeeper. They live with their sons E, 21 years old, who is a computer programmer, and F, 18 years old, who is a student. Together, L, M and E work for 93 hours per week. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house, which they built and own. They’ve been living there for the past 20 years. The house has reliable electricity, water, and toilet facility. They own another house and some land. The family buys 100% of their food supplies, which costs them about 50% of their income. They use propane fuel for cooking. The family plans to buy a new car and dreams of building a house in another area. In the meantime, they save money and sometimes go on vacation and have gone as far as Guanajuato, Mexico on one of their trips.

Photo by: Lucia Rodrigez
All families in Mexico