Family 128, Thailand

Family 128

Family 128, Thailand
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Family 128

Family 128, Thailand
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Thailand. G is 61 years old and she works as a hairdresser. She lives with her daughter and 2 grandchildren. They live in a rented 3-room house and have been living there for 10 years.

The family lives in Thailand. G is 61 years old and she works as a hairdresser. She lives with her daughter M, 30 years old, and her two granddaughters N, 4 years old, and D, 2 years old. G works for a total of 120 hours/week . The family lives in a rented three-room house. They've been living there for the past 10 years. The house has reliable electricity, running water, and a toilet. The family has to buy all their food supplies, which cost them about 80% of their income. They use electricity for cooking in their kitchen. Safe drinking water is available in their house. The family hardly saves any money since most of their income is spent on food and rent. They sometimes go on vacation and the furthest they have ever been was Surin, Thailand.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in Thailand