Family 372, Brazil

Family 372

Family 372, Brazil
Home of

Family 372

Family 372, Brazil
Monthly income
Monthly income

W lives in Brazil. W is 57 years old and he is a brick mason. He lives in a 1-bedroom house and likes its peaceful surroundings. The worst thing about his house is the mosquito infestation. His favorite item in the house is his bed. His dream is to buy some farmland.

W lives in Brazil. W is 57 years old and he works multiple jobs. He works as a Brick mason, farmer, and a jeweler. He lives in a 1-bedroom house and has been living here for a year. He likes the peaceful surroundings of the area, however, the mosquito infestation worries him a lot. The house has an unreliable electricity supply which fails several times a week. It has a toilet in the yard but no on-premises water supply. W buys 70% of all his food supplies from the market and manages to produce the rest 30% himself. In the kitchen, he uses natural gas for cooking, and he fetches drinking water from a water source outside his home. W has traveled to Ceará state, in northeast Brazil on his furthest trip. His favorite item in the house is his bed. He dreams of buying some farmland one day.

Photo by: Moises Morero
All families in Brazil