Family 243, United States

Family 243

Family 243, United States
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Family 243

Family 243, United States
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The family lives in USA. E is 43 years old and he works in real estate development. His girlfriend C is 25 years old and she works as a waitress. They live in a rented 2-bedroom house and have been living here for more than 2 years. The house is in a small town and they like it because of its location and surroundings, however, they aren’t happy with its quality. Their next big plan is to buy a car and their dream is to buy a house or a farm.

The Family lives in USA. E is 43 years old and he works in real estate development. His girlfriend C is 25 years old and she is a waitress, working 15 hours per week. E spends 35 hours per week in his real estate development business. The family lives in a rented 2-bedroom house. They have been living here for more than 2 years. The best thing about their house is its surroundings and location in a small town, but they aren’t happy with its quality. The house has uninterrupted electricity, water supply, and indoor toilet facility. The family buys all their food supplies from the market and use natural gas for cooking in the kitchen. Drinking water is available inside their home and is safe to drink. The family is saving money and their plan is to buy a car. Their dream is to have their own house or a farm.

Photo by: Sarah Diamond
All families in United States