Family 104, Malawi

Family 104

Family 104, Malawi
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Family 104

Family 104, Malawi
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Malawi. R is 63 years old and his wife H is 55 years old. They live with their 5 children and 5 grandchildren in a 3-room house. The family owns the house and have been living here for 3 years. Their next big plan is to buy another house and their dream is to buy a bed mattress.

The family lives in Malawi. R is 63 years old, and lives with his wife, H 55 years old, and their five children and five grandchildren. Three of the adults are employed and work in agriculture; the rest of the family members are students. The family has lived in their small 3-room house for 3 years. It has no electricity or water facility. The toilet facility is in the yard of the house. Drinking water is available at 15 minutes distance from their house and they spend 11 hours every week fetching it. The family’s agricultural activity supplies 60% of their food needs, while the rest is met from gifts or other sources. They use wood for cooking food in the kitchen. Collecting wood takes 6 hours every week. The family’s last vacation was about a year ago, and lasted one day. They are not saving money, but hope to purchase a better home, and dream of one day buying a bed mattress.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Malawi