Family 97, Philippines

Family 97

Family 97, Philippines
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Family 97

Family 97, Philippines
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Philippines. K is 22 years old and his wife R is 23 years old. They own and run a small grocery store. The family lives with their son in a 2-room house, which they own, and have been living there for 4 years. Their next big plan is to buy a mobile phone and their dream is to own a luxury car.

The family lives in Philippines. K is 22 years old and R is 23 years old. They own and run a small grocery store. They live with their son L, who is 3 years old. Together, the couple works for a total of 120 hours/week. The family owns and lives in a two-room house. They’ve been living there for the past 4 years. The house has reliable electricity, toilet facility, and running water. They also own another dwelling and some agricultural land. The family buys 60% of their food supplies, which costs them about 70% of their income. They produce 20% themselves and receive 20% as gifts or from other sources. It takes 30 minutes to collect water that is safe to drink and come back. They use propane for cooking in their kitchen. The family hardly saves any money because a large portion of it is spent on food. They sometimes go on vacation and have gone as far as Manila, Philippines, on one of their trips. The next thing they plan to buy is a Samsung S5 smartphone. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a BMW car.

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