Family 210, Myanmar

Family 210

Family 210, Myanmar
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Family 210

Family 210, Myanmar
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Myanmar. T is 33 years old and is a tobacco vendor. His wife S is 33 years old and they have 2 children. The family lives in a rented 1-bedroom house and have been living there for 3 years. They moved into the house when they got married and like living here because it is in a central location, however, they aren’t happy because they don’t own it. Their most valuable item is their ID card. The next big thing they plan on buying is food supplies and their dream is to have enough money to donate to monks.

The family lives in Myanmar. T is 33 years old and is a tobacco vendor. His wife S is 33 years old and she is a housewife. They live with their son U, 8 years old, who is a student and their daughter K, 5 months olds. T works for a total of 105 hours/week. The family lives in a rented single-room house. They've been living here for the past 3 years. They like that the house is in a central location but dislike the fact that they don’t own it. The house has electricity, which sometimes fails, and a toilet outside the house which is shared with 9 other households. The family has to buy all their food, which cost them about 80% of their income. They don’t have access to water and must purchase it, which cost them up to 10% of their income. They use electricity for cooking in their kitchen. S spends 28 hours a week doing housework. The family hardly saves any money because most of it is spent on food supplies. The next big thing they plan on buying is food supplies and their dream is to have enough money to donate to monks.

Photo by: Luc Forsyth
All families in Myanmar