Family 324, Togo

Family 324

Family 324, Togo
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Family 324

Family 324, Togo
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Togo. They are 6 adults and 3 children. K is 49 years old and she is a trader. Her husband T is 45 years old and he is a driver. They live with their family in their own 1-bedroom house and have been living there for 100 years. They like the location of the house which is where they grew up, however, they dislike its quality. Their favorite items in the house are their documents. The next big thing they plan on buying is a blender. Their dream is to buy a car.

The family lives in Togo. They are 6 adults and 3 children. K is 49 years old and she is a trader. Her husband T is 45 years old and he is a driver. Their 4 children; 3 sons, P, 6 years old, K, 5 years old, and L, 14 years old, are all students and a daughter, S, 35 years old, is a trader. Their 2 grandparents and an aunt also live with them. The family lives in a 1-bedroom house which they own, and been living there for generations (100 years). They like the location of the house which is where they grew up, however, they dislike its quality. The house has electricity, toilet facility, and safe water supply. They also own another house and some agricultural land. The family produces around 90% of their food supplies, and buy the rest from the market. Food supplies cost them around 80% of their income. They use wood for cooking food in their kitchen. Drinking water is available in their home and is safe for drinking. The family is saving money and have traveled to Cotonou, in Benin on their furthest trip. Their favorite items in the house are their documents. The next big thing they plan on buying is a blender. Their dream is to buy a car.

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