Family 14, Burkina Faso

Family 14

Family 14, Burkina Faso
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Family 14

Family 14, Burkina Faso
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Burkina Faso. G is 35 years old and sells clothes. His wife Y is 22 years old and sells bread. They live with their 2 children in a 1-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 9 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is clothes. Their dream is to be able to buy a motorcycle someday.

The family lives in Burkina Faso. G is 35 years old and sells clothes. His wife Y is 22 years old and sells bread. They live with their son B, 6 years old, and daughter R, 3 years old. Together the couple works for 103 hours/week . The family lives in a single-room home that they built themselves. They've been living here for the past 9 years. The house has no electricity or toilet. Nearly all of the family income is spent on buying food. Guebre and Yoni spend 3½ hours every week to collect water from a source nearby. They use charcoal and wood as fuel for their stove. The family hardly saves any money, since most of it is spent on food. They’ve never been on vacation and the next thing they plan to buy is clothing. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a motorbike.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Burkina Faso