Family 160, Sweden

Family 160

Family 160, Sweden
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Family 160

Family 160, Sweden
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Sweden. S is 23 years old and is unemployed. She lives with her two daughters in a rented 1-bedroom apartment. She has been living here for 3½ years and moved here because the apartment was given to her by the housing authorities while she was homeless. The apartment has nice neighbours and provides good social life, but the only downside is that it has ventilation issues. The family’s most favorite item is their computer and their next big plan is to buy a bike. Their dream is to be able to buy a house someday.

The family lives in Sweden. S is 23 years old and is unemployed. She lives with her twin daughters L and T, 5 years old.Her only income is monthly social assistance from the government.. The family lives in a rented one-bedroom apartment, which was given to them by the authorities when they were homeless. They've been living there for the past 3½ years. The apartment has nice neighbours and provides good social life, but the only downside is that it has ventilation issues. The house has reliable electricity, safe running water, and a toilet. The family buys all their food supplies, which cost them about 30% or less of their income. They use electricity for cooking in the kitchen. Drinking water is available at their home and is safe for consumption. The family cannot save any money since most of it is spent on food and rent. They sometimes go on vacation and the furthest they have ever been was Khartoum, Sudan. The next thing they plan to buy is a bike. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a house. Their favorite item is their computer.

Photo by: Moa Karlberg
All families in Sweden