Family 155, Lebanon

Family 155

Family 155, Lebanon
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Family 155

Family 155, Lebanon
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Lebanon. N is 46 years old and is a painter. He lives with his wife, L, 46 years old, and their 2 sons. They live in a rented 1-bedroom house and have been living here for 8 years. The house belongs to their grandparents and is rented at a very affordable price, which is the only reason they still live here. The worst things about the house are that it is on the first floor, has only one window, no balcony, and is mostly dark during the day. Their dream is to buy a bigger and better house. Their favorite item in the house is their identity papers. The next thing they plan on buying is a car.

The family lives in Lebanon. N is 46 years old and is a painter. He lives with his wife, L, 46 years old, and their 2 sons. He works 60 hours/week. The family lives in a rented 1-bedroom house. They moved in here since they were married 8 years ago. The house belongs to their grandparents and is rented at a very affordable price, which is the only reason they still live here. The worst things about the house are that it is on the first floor, has only one window, no balcony, and is mostly dark during the day. The house has electricity and indoor toilet facility. The family uses propane for cooking in their kitchen. They purchase all their food supplies which cost about 40% of their income. Drinking water is purchased in bottles. L reports that the farthest she has been from home was to Ivory Coast. Their last vacation was a 3-day trip to the mountains. They are not currently saving any money, but are planning to purchase a car. Their favorite item in the house is their identity papers. They dream of one day purchasing a large home.

Photo by: Johan Eriksson
All families in Lebanon