Family 51, Haiti

Family 51

Family 51, Haiti
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Family 51

Family 51, Haiti
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Haiti. T is 30 years old and her husband S is 28 years old. They live with their 5 children and a sister in a 2-bedroom house, which is free of rent. They live here because they don't have any other choice or money. The worst thing about the house is its floor. The family’s most valuable item in the house is their children's birth certificates. The next thing they plan on buying are some items for their small business. Their dream is to buy a house someday.

The family lives in Haiti. T is 30 years old and her husband S is 28 years old; they have 5 children between 1 and 16 years of age. Also living with them is a sister, N, 19 years old. No one in the household is employed; there is no regular income. The family lives in a 2-bedroom house and have been living here for 4 years. They don’t own the house but also don’t pay any rent either. There is no electricity or running water. The family has to spend 70 hours a week collecting safe drinking water. They share an outside toilet with 8 other families. The family’s food comes entirely from gifts. They cook with charcoal. The family has no income, so they don't save any money. They are planning to buy things to sell as a small business. They hope one day to be able to buy a house.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Haiti