Family 18, Burundi

Family 18

Family 18, Burundi
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Family 18

Family 18, Burundi
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Burundi. R is 28 years old and his wife J is 25 years old. They are both farmers and live with their 3 children in a 1-bedroom house. The family owns the house and have been living there for the past 3 years. Their favorite item in the house is their stock of dried maize. The next thing they plan on buying is a bed. Their dream is to own a house someday.

The family lives in Burundi. R is 28 years old and a farmer. His wife J is 25 years old and she is also a farmer. They live with their daughter K, 2 years old, and their 3-month-old twin sons B and U. Together the couple works for 84 hours/week. The income usually depends on the number of times R works on the neighbors’ farms. The family lives in a single-bedroom home. They've been living there for the past 3 years. They built the house with the help of their family and friends. The house structure is weak with crumbling walls and leaking roofs. There is no electricity, and the toilet is outside the house and shared with other households. Even though they produce 99% of their food, nearly all of the family income is spent on buying the rest of the food supplies. Three times a week, R and J walk 40 minutes to get water. They also spend 14 hours a week collecting wood, which they use as fuel for their stove. The family saves very little money, since most of it is spent on food. Their favorite possession is the dried maize that hangs from the ceiling. They plan on buying a bed. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfil their dream of buying a house.

Photo by: Johan Eriksson
All families in Burundi