Family 34, China

Family 34

Family 34, China
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Family 34

Family 34, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. W is 40 years old and a businessman. His wife T is 32 years old and works as a tour guide. They live with their daughter and a grandmother in a 2-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 8 years. They like the location of the house and moved here for work. The only downside with their house is its surroundings. Their most favorite item is their toy cat. The next big thing they plan on buying will either be a new car or flat. Their wish is to fulfil their dream of travelling around the world.

The family lives in China. W is 40 years old and a businessman. His wife T is 32 years old and works as a tour guide. They have one daughter, U who is 8 years old. Also living with them is the grandmother, L, who is 68 years old and looks after her granddaughter. Together the couple works 110 hours a week. The family lives in a 2-bedroom home and they have been living here for 8 years. They own the home, in addition to another home and some land. Their house has an uninterrupted electricity supply and running water, but is not safe to drink. The home has an indoor toilet. The family spends 30% of its income to purchase their food. They cook with electricity and natural gas. The family is saving money. They are planning to buy a new car or a new flat. They are hoping one day to be able to fulfill their dream of travelling around the world.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in China