Family 185, China

Family 185

Family 185, China
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Family 185

Family 185, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. R lives with his wife N and their 2 children in a 3-bedroom apartment. The family has been living here for 12 years, they grew up here and like the place because of its good air quality. The only downside is that the location is far away from the city. Their favorite item is their wallet and their dream is to one day be able to buy an apartment.

The family lives in China. R lives with his wife N and their 2 children. They have a daughter, E, and a son, P. is a baker who works for 56 hours every week. The family lives in a three-bedroom apartment and have been living here for 12 years. They grew up here and like the place because of its good air quality. The only downside is that the location is far away from the city. The house has uninterrupted electricity, toilet, and water facilities. The family purchases all their food supplies from the local market. It costs them 60% of their income. In the kitchen, they use biogas for the cooking stove. The family is saving money for their future needs. They dream that one day they might be able to buy an apartment.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in China