Family 241, United States

Family 241

Family 241, United States
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Family 241

Family 241, United States
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in USA. S is 24 years old and he is a nurse practitioner. He lives along with his pet dog in a 3-bedroom house which has been their residence for less than a year. He moved here due to his job and likes the size and location of his house. His next big plan is to buy a film camera, and he is dreaming of buying a film scanner.

The family lives in USA. S is 24 years old and he is a nurse practitioner. He lives with his pet dog and works 45 hours per week at his job. The family lives in their own 3-bedroom house and have moved here less than a year ago. The house has uninterrupted electricity, indoor water supply and toilet facility. Their favorite thing about the house is its size and location. S spends 40% of his income on buying all his food supplies. He uses electricity for cooking in the kitchen and charcoal for occasional grilling. Drinking water is available inside the house and is safe to drink. S is saving money and his next big plan is to buy a film camera. He also goes on vacation and has been to Cochin, India on one of his farthest trips. His dream is to be able to buy a film scanner and a medium format camera.

Photo by: Isaiah Williams
All families in United States