Family 413, Nepal

Family 413

Family 413, Nepal
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Family 413

Family 413, Nepal
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Nepal. They are 10 adults and 3 children. P is 55 years old and he works as a mason. He lives with his extended family in a 3-bedroom house. They like the house because all their relatives live in the neighborhood. Their favorite items in the house are their beds, mattresses, and kitchen utensils. Their dream is to be able to buy a stone structure house.

ThE family lives in Nepal. They are 10 adults and 3 children. P is 55 years old and he works as a mason. His wife G is 50 years old and she is a housewife. They live with their adult children, their families, and grandchildren. Their 4 sons, R 35 years old, J 32 years old, U 23 years old, L 20 years old and daughter-in-law S 22 years old, all work as labourers. They have 3 grandchildren, and two of them go to school. Their 3 other daugthers-in-law are all housewives. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 12 years. They like it for its location, size, and neighborhood close to their relatives. There is no electricity connection in their house and the toilet is outdoor in their yard. Their water supply is through a nearby water well. They also own some agricultural land. The family buy almost all their food supplies from the market, while just 5% comes from their own production. In the kitchen, they use wood for cooking, and drinking water is fetched from the water well nearby. The family rarely goes on vacation. They have been to Butwal, a city in Nepal on their furthest trip. Their favorite items in the house are their beds, mattresses, and kitchen utensils. Their dream is to be able to buy a stone structure house someday.

Photo by: Omar Havana
All families in Nepal