Family 390, Spain

Family 390

Family 390, Spain
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Family 390

Family 390, Spain
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The family lives in Spain. They are 2 adults. N is 41 years old and he is a company CEO. He lives with his girlfriend, M, she is 39 years old. They live in a one-bedroom house and like its location and surroundings. They do not like its quality of construction and are just renting it temporarily. Their most favorite possessions in the house are their pet cats and computer hard drive. They are saving money and their next big plan is to buy a new house. Their dream is to travel around the world.

The family lives in Spain. They are a family of two adults. N is 41 years old and he is the founder of a company. He also works as a journalist and a marketing consultant. His girlfriend M, 39 years old, is an architect and a politician. She is currently not employed. The family lives in a rented one-bedroom house. They have been living here for just two months while their own house is undergoing repairs. The things they like about their current dwelling is its location and surroundings. The only thing they dislike is its quality of construction. The house has uninterrupted electricity, in-premises water supply, and an indoor toilet facility. The family buys nearly all their food supplies from the market, while the rest 10% comes from gifts and other sources. They use LPG fuel for cooking and have a safe and clean drinking water supply in-house. The family goes on vacation and have been to Guadalajara, in Mexico on their furthest trip. Their favourite possessions in the house are their pet cats and computer harddrive. They are saving money and their next big plan is to buy a new house in Granada, Spain. Their dream is to travel around the world.

Photo by: Omar Havana
All families in Spain