Family 384, Cameroon

Family 384

Family 384, Cameroon
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Family 384

Family 384, Cameroon
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T is 32 years old and lives in Cameroon. She works as a secretary. She lives alone in a one-bedroom apartment. The thing she finds best about the apartment is its location but she dislikes the unreliable electricity supply. The next big thing she plans on buying is a sofa. Her dream is to buy a house.

T is 32 years old and lives in Cameroon. She works as a secretary. She lives in a rented one-bedroom apartment. She moved here a year ago because of her work. The thing she likes about the apartment is its location, but the unreliable electricity supply bothers her the most as it fails almost twice a week. Her apartment has an indoor toilet facility and a clean water supply. T buys all of her food supplies from the market. In the kitchen, she uses natural gas as fuel for cooking. T goes on vacations and has traveled as far as Garoua, in Cameroon on her furthest trip. Her favorite possession in the house is her documents. The next big thing she is planning to buy is a sofa. Her dream is to buy her own house.

Photo by: Rosine Fidele
All families in Cameroon