Family 37, Cambodia

Family 37

Family 37, Cambodia
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Family 37

Family 37, Cambodia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Cambodia. S is 43 years old and his wife O is 45 years old. They both work as farmers and have 3 children. They live in a 1-bedroom house and have been living here for 4 years. The next big things they plan on spending money is on building a toilet and buying a farmland. Their dream is to build their own house someday.

The family lives in Cambodia. S is 43 years old and his wife, O, is 45 years old. Both are farmers and live with their 3 children. Their eldest son, 21-year-old M, is a construction worker. Their daughter, 18-year-old F, is a garment worker and the youngest son, 9-year-old P, is a student. Together the family works for 124 hours/week. The family lives in a one-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for the past 4 years. The house has electricity, but it suffers from power cuts at least two hours every week. There is no toilet facility, so they use the open fields. The family produces 50% of their food; the rest is purchased from the market. They have access to drinking water within the premises of their house. In the kitchen, they use firewood to burn in the stove. Firewood is collected by the father and mother and it takes them 5 hours every week to collect it. The family is saving money for their future. The next big purchases they are planning are for constructing a toilet and buying farmland. They dream that one day they might be able to build a new house.

Photo by: Luc Forsyth
All families in Cambodia