Family 165, India

Family 165

Family 165, India
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Family 165

Family 165, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. M is 23 years old and drives a rickshaw. His wife R is 20 years old and they have 4 children. The family lives in a 1-bedroom house, which is built on encroached land, and they have been living here for 25 years. The best thing about their house is its location, otherwise, the house has no electricity, water, or toilet facility. Their most favorite item is the radio. The next big thing they plan on buying is their own rickshaw and their dream is to own a plot of land.

The family lives in India. M is 23 years old and drives a rickshaw. His wife R is 20 years old and she takes care of the house. They have 3 sons, S, 9 years old, H, 6 years old, K 3 years old, and a daughter P, 1-year-old. The eldest two sons go to school. M works 56 hours per week. The family has been living in their 1-bedroom house for 25 years. It is built on encroached government land, so they pay no rent. Its location is convenient, but it lacks electricity, water, and a toilet facility. The family spends nearly all of their money on buying all their food supplies. They use wood for cooking in their kitchen so they spend 6 hours every week collecting wood. Safe drinking water requires 3½ hours per week to collect. The family’s favorite possession is their radio, as it gives them news updates. Their plan is to buy their own rickshaw and they dream of owning a plot of land someday.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in India