Family 29, Egypt

Family 29

Family 29, Egypt
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Family 29

Family 29, Egypt
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Egypt. M is 65 years old and is a retiree. His daughter K is 29 years old and she works as an administrative assistant. The family lives in a 4-room house, which they own, and have been living here for the past 40 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is a trip to meet their son in Australia. Their dream is to buy gifts for their relatives.

The family lives in Egypt. M is 65 years old and is a retiree. His daughter K is 29 years old and she works as an administrative assistant. She works 40 hours a week. The family lives in a 4-room house, where they have been living for 40 years. They own the house, some land, and other houses. Their home has electricity but there are frequent interruptions to the supply. The home has water and an indoor toilet. The family grows 80% of its own food, and spends 70% of its income to purchase the rest. They use biogas for cooking in the kitchen. The family is saving some money. They next thing they are planning to buy is a trip to Australia to visit a family member. They hope one day to be able to fulfill their dream of buying gifts.

Photo by: Amr Said
All families in Egypt