Family 411, Nepal

Family 411

Family 411, Nepal
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Family 411

Family 411, Nepal
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The family lives in Nepal. They are 6 adults and 2 children. P is 22 years old and lives with his extended family. They live in a rented one-bedroom house. They like the location of the house inside the city, however, they dislike the issue of flooding during rains. Their next big plan is to buy a mobile phone. Their dream is to buy a humble house for themselves someday.

The family lives in Nepal. They are 6 adults and 2 children. P is 22 years old and cleans roads for a living. He lives with his wife, children, parents, and brother’s family. His wife, D is 20 years old and she is a housewife. They have two sons, S, 5 years old, and R, 1-year-old. The grandfather, H, is 60 years old and works as a farmer. The grandmother, M, 63 years old, is also a farmer. His brother, N, 18 years old, also cleans roads for a living. S’s wife, B, is 17 years old. The family has been living in a rented one-bedroom house for 11 years. They like the location of the house, however, they dislike that it gets flooded during the rainy season. The house has an electricity supply but it fails several times a week. There is no toilet facility or water supply. The family purchases all their food supplies from the market. In the kitchen, they burn wood for cooking. For drinking water, they fetch it from a nearby water source. The family hasn’t been on vacation. They traveled to Bangalore, in India, on their furthest trip. Their most favorite item in the house is their TV. The next big thing they plan on buying is a mobile phone. Their dream is to buy a humble house for themselves someday.

Photo by: Omar Havana
All families in Nepal